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28 Tough Times Quotes to Not Let You Lose Hope in Life

You can’t expect to live a life which doesn’t see lows, and always have a high time; one way or other your bound to face difficulties in life. In such situations, your mindset, and decision decides your future path. Thus, it becomes very important to not lose hope and have the right approach. With this in view, here are 28 tough times quotes to not let you lose the hope in life:

“1. Everything that has happened, everything that is happening, and everything that will happen are all for your good. Just look at it through the right approach.”

2.”Your attitude in tough times determines your magnitude of good times.”

3. “Don’t be sad in tough times, and don’t be hyper-excited in good times; as nothing is permanent in your life. Calmness is the key.”

4. “You can’t control every tough situation, but you can definitely control your mindset, and show perseverance.”

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“Become a TIGER to overcome any obstacle in life. Tenacious Impeccable Gallant Efficacious Radiant”

6. “Sometimes, problems in life are more about perception than reality.”

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7. “Dirt is essential. It is a nutrient. Dirt is what makes a seed into a plant. Likewise, tough times are what turns naive into a master.”

8. “Tough times are blessings in disguise; it reveals the genuineness of people around you.”

9. “When you fail, just say, “It’s not over until I win.'”

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11. “When you are highly obsessed about your goal; tough times don’t waver you.”

12. “A tiger never gives up because of failures in hunting; he starts fresh every time until he achieves success. That’s why he is called ‘King of the Jungle'”

13. “A mediocre always curses troubles in life, while an extraordinary person analyzes the reasons, and consider every situation as an opportunity to improve.”

14. “Every time you think of giving up, think about the reason you started the whole task.”

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“Every now and then, a person comes who just question his approach and not circumstances. Later, everyone calls him/her a legend.”

16. “Don’t worry. Sometimes easying, and letting things go is the best thing to do in life.”

17. “Whenever a close one is going through a hard phase, be there to silently support them; instead of just talking big words.”

18. “If a hard time is a poison; perseverance, courage, determination are anti-dote to it.”

19. “‘Follow someone else chosen path’; one of the most deadly mistakes, a person can commit while going through the difficult times.”

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21. “Always remember that tough times are finite in nature. But your perseverance is infinite and boundless.”

22. “Being sad is normal. But making a decision in sadness is hazardous.”

23. “In hard times, a good friend is just like an oasis in the desert.”

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24. “A true meaning of life is still keeping the faith, when the problems insurmountable.”

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“Overthinking is that art of imagining all the worse case scenarios that are not going to happen.”

26. “The history teaches you one thing: The greatest outcomes came out of the hardest battle.”

27. “When there is one reason to cry; try to find out ten reasons to have the smile.”

28. “Encouragement in disappointment is just like water to the dry plant.”

So, don’t give up now. Just keep going; as these hard times will define your future.

Categories: Quotes