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29 Personality Quotes to Achieve Greatness in Life [Unique]

Personality is what makes every individual different and unique, as it emerges from the marriage of different factors that come in life. And your personality plays a dominant role in deciding whether to become great or mediocre in life. Thus, here are 29 personality quotes that can shape your thinking to achieve greatness in life.

1. “A great personality makes everyone feel energized; just like a flower’s fragrance that freshens ups the complete surrounding.”

2. “If life is a race, looks will help you in winning only sprints; while your good personality helps you in winning long marathons.”

3. “No matter how much you try; you can’t fake a great personality. You are bound to make a mistake.”

4. “You don’t have to be someone else to achieve greatness in life. Celebrate your personality and uniqueness, because that’s what makes a legend.”

5. “Time has the power to mend appearance, wealth, and fame; but it always bends its knee in front of an amazing personality.”

6. “No matter how much successful you are, your personality decides the life of your relationship with your keens.”

7. “My personality is constant, but my behaviour depends on the way you choose to treat others.”

8. “Future is a magical mirror which shows you the reflection that your personality decides.”

9. “The real sign of a successful person is when people find him or her as an example to define good quality.”

10. “If you stick to ethics and goodness; even if no one is watching you; then you have a personality, which is very rare in this plastic world.”

11. “Brilliance can earn you money, and personality can win hearts for you.”

12. “Conserving for only oneself is a trait of a narrow-minded person; while a person with a big heart finds joy in sharing with others.”

13. “Praise is like the sugar, beneficial in a limited amount, but hazardous to the character in large quantity.”

14. “Life is mortal, but your personality stays forever in the hearts of others.”

15. “Mediocre run for a materialistic goal; Great personalities look for happiness around them.”

16. “Tough time is like water which clears all the dirt of fakeness and reveals a person’s true character.”

17. “Help and smile are like scents, the more you give it to others, the more fragrant your personality becomes.”

18. “Success, fame, and wealth are tiny branches supported by a big trunk of great personality.”

19. “If you don’t have trust and confidence in yourself; then how can you expect them from the people around you.”

20. “Have a mindset of the king, but have the capability to work hard as a slave.”

21. “A huge tree doesn’t discriminate while sharing its cool shadow in scorching summer. Similarly, you should not discriminate while doing benevolent work.”

22. “Let your personality grow with time, but always remember from where you came.”

23. “A good dress can change your looks, while a beautiful personality can change your life completely.”

Also Read: 20 Boat Quotes on Life Lessons and Tough Times

24. “When you don’t care about the results, and keep working and improving, then you become the living definition of a successful personality.”

25.”The real test of your personality is when a person junior to you ask for your help, and you know that they can’t help back in any form.”

26. “Mediocre wait for the right time; while successful people work hard, and make every time right in their life.”

27. “Your group of friends and their behaviour with others signifies the magnitude of your personality.”

28.”Humbleness in success is like a diamond, which very few characters have the capability to possess.”

29. “Power in hand is like opening doors for arrogance, ego, and superiority complex. You really need a strong personality to overcome them.”

So, which one of the personality quotes made you introspect? Share your views in the comment section.

What is a quote for a kind personality?

Here is one quote on it, “You have a kind personality when you look at everyone with the lens of empathy and not apathy.”

What are attitude quotes?

They are quotes on attitude, like, “Always beware of the people who have a calm attitude in tough situations.” We have a complete blog on it that contains 57 quotes.

What is a self-love quote?

Here is one, “You can spread love only when you start loving yourself.”

Categories: Quotes