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8 Best Motivational Books Recommended by 8 Billionaires

There is no doubt books are one of the fabulous creations of human beings. They are the most important and oldest media to share valuable information with other people. There are innumerable books covering almost every subject and topic that we can even imagine.

Books play an important role in shaping your personality and improving your thinking process. Also, you can get solutions and a morale boost if you read the best motivational books while facing tough phases in life.

Many billionaires consider reading books as an important reason for their success. Also, many billionaires over time have recommended some books that have motivated or inspired them.

Thus, take a look at the following eight best motivational books by eight billionaires that can help anyone stay motivated and focus on achieving success in life.

1. If I Could Tell You Just One Thing – Richard Reed

It’s a book that contains precious advice from game-changing people around the world. People who have done something big in business, politics, arts, sports, technology, Hollywood, and philanthropy have shared their advice on how to live, how to work, and how to succeed in life.

Successful entrepreneurs like Simon Cowell and Richard Branson to sports stars like Andy Murray, and famous TV personalities like James Cordon have shared their pearls of wisdom.

Richard Branson recommends this book, he said,

“They have highlighted tangible lessons from a diverse range of interesting people, and I like to read a chapter every now and then to get inspired.”

2. Lord of The Flies – William Golding

It’s a 1954 Novel written by William Golding. The book is based on schoolboys lost on an abandoned island and their survival. It’s a classic novel on human survival instinct, competition, and greed. It’s more about understanding yourself than motivation.

Elon Musk recommends this book, he said,

“The heroes of the book. I read it always and felt a duty to save the world.”

3. Life is What You Make It – Peter Buffett

Peter Buffett has shared life lessons that he has learned as the son of Warren Buffett and his late mother Susan Buffett. In this book, he has shared the way he identified and pursued his passion for life. The Emmy-Award-Winning musician has also shared core values that he learned growing up in the Buffett family.

Bill Gates recommends this book, and this is what he said,

“Melinda and I have both read it and like it a lot as It is a thoughtful and touching book.”

4. Self-Made Success – Shaan Patel

The book is about achieving success across all dimensions of academics, financial, and emotional. The author has also described ways to utilize Parkinson’s law and the Pareto principle. There are various strategies for entrepreneurial success, social success, wealth success, and productivity nicely explained in the book.

Mark Cuban recommends this book, he said,

“I see a young Tony Robbins.”

5. Dream Big – Cristiane Correa

The book is based on the Brazillian trio behind the 3G capital – Jorge Paulo Lemann, Marcel Telles, and Beto Sicupira who acquired Busch, Burger King, and Heinz.

It’s a business biography with important lessons about human resource management, vision, and accomplishment. It’s a book for entrepreneurs and people in managerial positions.

Warren Buffett recommends this book,

As the story of Jorge Paulo can inspire many people. Warren Buffett believes that he is an amazing person in the business world. Also, the book is recommended for entrepreneurs and managerial positioned people.

6. The Power of Now – Eckhart Tolle

The book teaches ways to live in the present moment and not worry about the past and future. It has the power to bring calmness to your life. It’s a must-read book for people who think too much about future worries and past mistakes.

Oprah Winfrey recommends this book, and this is what she said about it,

“It’s one of the most transformative books I’ve ever read, and I keep a copy with me wherever I go.”

7. The Old Man and the Sea – Ernest Hemingway

It’s a story of an old Cuban fisherman and his arduous struggle to catch a big marlin fish. Ernest Hemingway has beautifully woven words to describe the courage and never-dying hope of the old fisherman. Any book collection is incomplete without this book.

Jack Dorsey recommends this book, he finds inspiration from this book. He said,

“I keep coming back to it. I love the straightforwardness, the tightness and the poetry. It shows a common struggle that is repeated over and over in so many narratives both fictional and non-fictional.”

8. Think and Grow Rich – Napoleon Hill

It was first published in 1937, and since then it has sold more than 70 million copies. The author interviewed hundreds of successful people of that time, then he formulated all of their answers in the form of concise principles. The teachings of this century-old book are still valid and important.

RS Agarwal recommends this book. He once said,

“The book has greatly influenced my career and has acted as a Bible to set the foundation for my business.”

So which book will you read first? Comment below and also share your valuable feedback with us and don’t forget to share it with your friends.