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9 Amazing Answers to Life Problems from Pindfresh Co-Founder Somveer Singh

You must have been through time, when you worry about difficulties that you face, get depressed while thinking of your peer or colleague who is outperforming you, and feel sad about your condition. And if you think that you are the only one facing these life problems, then you are absolutely wrong. Most people face common life problems, and it is necessary to overcome them instead of worrying, and lingering in the same state.

Thus, we like to share amazing answers to nine common life problems from Pindfresh co-founder Somveer Singh, who is on a mission to help people grow fresh, and organic vegetables at their homes. Mr Singh has himself seen many ups and downs in life, and instead of giving up he found the solution and is trying to bring a positive change in many people’s life via his company. 

So, make sure to read the amazing interaction and find ways to solve problems in life:

1. How should one handle failures and tough phases of life?

 I really don’t think there are any failures in life; it’s all a learning experience. Look at your life from an expiry date point of view; in the 50 odd years (of actually usable life), you should do what makes you happy. Every time you fail, you realise that maybe your happiness lies elsewhere. From my personal experiences – every time I have failed, I realised that I wasn’t well suited for that particular job, activity, or thought process (very important and usually left out). There is a saying ‘fail fast and fail often’, and I would like to modify it to fail early and be happy. You will soon know that your happiness (glory/ money/fame) lies elsewhere.

2. How to deal with peer pressure?

Peer pressure is a very funny thing. No matter what you have – there is also someone, who probably has a little more than you. It’s very important to take a step back, and ask yourself one question, ‘Are you happy and satisfied?’. If the answer is yes, then nothing else matters. In today’s world of voyeuristic pleasures through social media sites – I would strongly advise people (and especially the younger generations who are super susceptible to this) to internalise something: Post on various social media’s are 10% truth of other people’s life. The idea here is to spend as much time as you can on reflection and understanding what is important to you.

Do read: 38 Thought of the day

3. What do you think a young person or teen should learn as early as possible?

 How to quickly unlearn and adapt. 80% of our children will be in jobs that don’t exist today. You cannot train for what you don’t know – hence train yourself to learn, forget and relearn as fast as possible.

4. How should one overcome the stress of work?

Pick up a hobby – and who know that might turn into your full-time work. I used to paint, and experiment with Hydroponics. Today Hydroponics is my full-time job (also because I suck at painting).

Related: Be a Fighter! 10 Tips to Dominate Life from Army Veteran Vandana Sharma

5. How should a person find his true passion?

Everyone has six to seven passions. The idea here is not to think too much, and just act. Experiment with everything that you can. Don’t think too much, trust your gut, and you’ll find your passion.

6. Which habit can aggravate life problems?

Anything that has control over you. Personally, I used to play a lot of computer games – to the point that I would set alarms, wake up in the middle of the night so that I could play games. A couple of months ago I deleted all my games. I’m fitter, happier, and getting a lot more sleep now.

7. Can you suggest ways to deal with the negative thinking process?

This is a tricky one and I wouldn’t want to answer it. I still haven’t found a foolproof way.

8. How can a person find motivation in life?

The easy answer is lies within you. But particularly from an Indian perspective, you have to realise that your success is not your alone. A lot of people have sacrificed in order to get you where you are right now, or where you will be, and if they trust you, then why can’t you trust yourself? Also if you want to motivate yourself, then trusting yourself is the first thing to do.

9. Can a book help a person improve his thinking process?

Yes. Read Siddharth by Herman Hess to get a better idea of destiny and choices. Also, read at least one travel book a year. At least one!

If you like these amazing answers, then make sure to share them with your friends and family.