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6 Tips to Be Professional at Work [CRUCIAL]

You must be aspiring to make a mark in your work. But, to be at the top of the game, you must have a professional attitude towards your work; along with your domain expertise. Thus, we like to share with you six tips to be professional at your work; which are very crucial to achieving the goals and success that you cherish.

Try to introduce these tips in your work life, and make sure to give your hundred per cent; as anybody can achieve anything they dream.


1. Invest in your appearance

No matter how much knowledge you possess, your appearance determines the way people will talk to you. Your clothing and grooming should give a fresh vibe to people.  But, to do all this really requires discipline from your side. Also, sometimes the perception towards you can really become like this,

“If you can’t maintain yourself; how would you expect others to trust you with big work and project.”

Which can really hurt you in long run. Thus, your appearance has a very important role to play in your professional growth.

Having said that, it doesn’t mean that looking good involves spending huge money on clothing and appearance. Remember, all it takes to have a great appearance is the awareness and maturity to choose clothes which suits the work or occasions; and consistency to keep apparel in a nice condition, along with fine grooming.

Read: Career Guidance for Students

2. Don’t discuss topics like politics

Never ever discuss topics like national politics along with your colleagues at your work (especially when you are a fresher), it’s like a livewire, which can touch the wrong nerves of other people. Consequences can be heated debates, or the creation of animosity; which in turn can affect your work and working environment.

Thus, as a professional, you must stick to ‘work talk’, when you are new; and along with time, as you understand colleagues and their behaviour; you must intend to have informal conversations which spread positivity.

3. Learn to say ‘No’

‘No’ might sound negative, but it’s a powerful tool in your corporate journey, and you should know how to utilize it for your company’s and your good.

In your professional work, you might face multiple situations, where you have to choose between ‘Yes’, and ‘No’. If such situations demand you to mend ethics, legalities, or company values; you must say ‘No’, as values, ethics are above monetary benefits, and they help in you for the long term in your career. Also, sometimes people in higher positions might drift towards a wrong decision; you must dare up to say ‘No, that’s not right, and politely suggest right measures; instead of just nodding head.

‘No’ is a very ‘strong’ word. Thus, you must think twice before using it, and accompany it with a polite tone, to make your position understandable to other people.

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4. Become emotionally intelligent

We, humans, are highly emotional living beings, and emotions do play a key role in every decision that we take. Thus, it’s very crucial to become aware of your emotions and not get under their control instead.

Emotional intelligence is an essential trait that can make you the most essential person in your organization. You must know that every emotional surge in response to a situation has a message behind it. Thus, it’s very important to understand the emotions, think, and then make a decision; rather than making a decision instantly under an impulse. For example, if a subordinate does wrong; it’s far better to think, understand the situation or subordinate, and discuss with him or her how to make things better from now on. This calm move helps a lot in the company’s progress; rather than scolding them and targeting their personal qualities.

5. Time is the most valuable asset

As a professional, if you really want to soar high, you must learn to respect time. This involves not only remaining punctual to your work but also respecting time commitments given to others; because it’s even worse to waste the time of others.

One effective way of utilizing time to the fullest at your work is to break weekly goals into the daily task and further break this daily task into sessions of one or two hours. This improves your time productivity, as your mind works more in achieving a goal in a short duration. You can also utilize the Pomodoro Technique to further improve your productive time.

6. Be ambitious, but don’t forget empathy

In times, when everybody is striving to achieve high numbers, many forget to have empathy towards colleagues, and people in general. Understanding others, and placing oneself into a situation of others for a while; can make you a kind, and a ‘great to work with’ person.

Remember, no matter how digital progress we make; advancement in business or work happens, when people find each other adaptive and fit to work. When you nurture empathy, kindness comes with it; which further brings out beautiful gesture from your side, and makes you a more likeable or trusted person in the professional or business world.

In the end, remember that being a great professional and becoming a great human is quite synonymous, and it’s a continuous process throughout your professional life.