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6 tips to become a successful internet entrepreneur (The unconventionalist approach)

How to become a successful internet entrepreneur? Many people face this question, as they find it easy to start an online business, but find it really hard to sustain and survive through the cutthroat digital competition. And to get an answer to such a question, people seek wisdom from people who have already been in a similar situation.

So, here are six tips to become a successful internet entrepreneur that I would like to share from my experience.

1. Develop the qualities of compassion and patience

You must have compassion for the people you want to serve, and you also need compassion for yourself. And you need patience because it’s hard starting and growing a business, and things just take ten times longer than you’d expect or hoped for. That’s just a reality.

2. It’s all about the problem that lot’s of people face

In order to do well as an online entrepreneur, the question you should be asking yourself is not “what kind of company should I start?” rather the question you should focus on is “what problem do I want to solve?”. I think that’s one of the biggest mistakes I see people make when they reach out to me for help. They don’t find a problem that a large group of people are experiencing. That’s the secret to business; no matter if you’re doing it offline or online. So, 1. Find a problem that a big enough group of people are experiencing 2. Go and fix it.

The second thing I’d say is to make sure to treat your relationships in the online business in the same way you would keep it with someone in person. Meaning, don’t be sleazy, don’t be douchy and don’t be needy. There’s a book by Gary Vaynerchuk called “Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook” that dives deeper into this concept of making sure you build relationships with people before asking them to buy something from you. Although the book is slightly out-dated in terms of how to use different social media platforms; his message still stands the test of time: make sure to speak in the native tongue of each platform, make sure to give a ton of value to people. Because I strongly believe that changing people’s lives is the fastest way to cultivate a loyal group of raving fans.

3. Concentrate on one social media at a time.

This might sound controversial to some, but my biggest advice I say to my clients and students is to focus on one social media at a time. And go all in.

But, how to pick the right one? Ask the people you’re trying to help where they hang out most. And then just be relentless on that platform. Learn what are the codes and ethics, what’s appropriate, what tone, what’s the avatar, or persona, you’re trying to serve. Make it relevant, helpful, and please do me a favour, don’t make it all about you; make it about your audience.

Read: 5 Functions of an Entrepreneur

4. Don’t forget the first medium of digital communication

Building social media is good and important. Don’t get me wrong, but you’re on rented property. You don’t own that relationship. Should the social media platform of your choice shut down, or suddenly change its algorithm, then you lose everything.

And that’s why email marketing is important. According to a McKinsey study, email marketing converts 40x more than social media. Because, when you grow your email list you own that relationship with your audience. Now the important thing to remember is not to be spammy and to always ask permission, before emailing someone.

5. Continuous learning is essential for an internet entrepreneur

You need to keep curious and learn. But, you also don’t need to fall into the trap of being addicted to self-development porn. As in you think you need just one more course, workshops, programme, coach, (fill in the blank), before you’re ready.

The fastest and most effective way to learn is by doing. So get out there and embrace the exciting journey of creating something new.

6. At last, be who you are

Yep, remember, being yourself is good for business. I wish I had known this seven years ago when I first started this crazy entrepreneurial journey. Most people think we have to put up a front, put up a mask, pretend to be bigger, cooler, smarter, fitter, happier, etc than we actually are.

What the world is starving for is the truth. And being yourself and honest about who you are will skyrocket your impact more than anything. Because your vibe attracts your tribe.

So don’t fall into the trap of feeling like you’re not good enough compared to everyone else on social media. Everyone is too busy fronting a fake showreel version of their lives. Too many people struggle internally despite putting out this image of having it all together.

Oh, and last but not least, take care of yourself. Both your mental and physical health. It’s so important. You need to treat yourself as a high performing machine. And anything high-performing machine needs the right fuel, the right rest, recovery etc.

Categories: Entrepreneurship