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4 tips for building the perfect startup team

Starting and growing a business from the ground up is an experience that can be both exciting and stressful. As young entrepreneurs are facing a wide range of challenges and hurdles to success. In this regard, Breezer CEO Brian Smillie listed seven important qualities that successful entrepreneurs possess in one of the previous posts. And while there is no doubt that the skills and attitude of a solo entrepreneur are crucial for any startup, the core team that they select can be just as vital or even more important in making or breaking a budding company.

In fact, researchers from the Rotman School of Management found that the success of new businesses often depends on the ability of its leader to attract a great team. Here, we will discuss what you should keep in mind as an entrepreneur looking to build a strong team of your own.

1. Align your culture with your goals

Before anything else, it’s necessary to think about what kind of culture you’d want to be propagated within your company. The ‘Consequences of Individuals ‘Fit at Work’ study explored the performance of employees who didn’t fit in at their workplace compared to those who do. Unsurprisingly, employees with the right cultural fit not only consistently outperformed workers who didn’t fit in, but they also had higher satisfaction levels, too. Therefore, decide if you’re an outcomes-based organization, and what this means for the rules that you set for your employees. Keep your goals in mind when hiring new people. Also, think about how they would fit in and enhance the culture you envision the team to have. Having a defined culture will make it easier for you to look for people that can fit in and ultimately contribute more to the team.

2. Hire people that are smarter than you

Inevitably, you will find that there are a lot of positions that require specialized skills in your company. It’s important to identify these positions and hire the smartest people you can find and afford for them. Not only will you learn from your different team members, but by doing this, it will also stop you from worrying about every minute aspect of your business, knowing that you can trust the people handling them.

3. Create a diverse team

One rising trend at the minute is big organizations are promoting and embracing diversity, making it part of their company culture. Special Counsel’s Sangeeta Agrawal points out how diversity is no longer just an option for businesses; it is an important component that will help achieve success. Having a team with different skill sets, backgrounds, and viewpoints means that you have more perspectives to draw insights from. And a more diverse team will also help your team members feel safer and more valued.

4. Be meticulous with every step

Because most budding businesses start out with limited resources, there’s not a lot of room for mistakes. It’s important to make an effort to get to know people before hiring them. Then take the time to train them when you bring them on board. Be meticulous when screening applicants and new hires. And always take note of strong and weak points so that you know which areas to focus on as you move forward as a startup team.

All in all, more young people are turning towards entrepreneurship. And while this presents so many exciting possibilities for the businesses of tomorrow, the National Public Radio explains how many economic factors can hinder the growth of these new businesses. Because of this, millennials must temper their hopes with caution and diligence, as failure is a very real possibility. However, it’s important to remember that success is just as possible too, and this is what makes the details and planning stages of entrepreneurship so crucial. Following the above tips is a good start for any entrepreneur. As they must look to surround themselves with individuals who are just as passionate and driven to achieve success.

Categories: Entrepreneurship