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40 Calm Quotes to Bring Peace in Life

Most of us easily get demotivated in hard times and super excited in good times. Thus, it becomes very important to know about calmness and not get carried away under the influence of external factors. So, here are 40 Calm quotes to bring peace in life:

1. “Everything in future depends whether you take a decision to cool mind or take one with a cool mind.”

2. “A strong desire for materialistic pleasure is the root cause for the most problems in your life. Keep calm. Nothing lasts permanently in this world.”

3. “Calmness is a state where you know the difference between desire and rightfulness.”

4. “Calmness comes naturally and not artificially or by force.”

5. “We light candles to overcome the darkness of the room. Similarly, generate the calmness to overcome the darkness of the mind.”

6.”A sea doesn’t change itself because of water of river submerging in it. Likewise, don’t get disturbed by the innumerable negative thoughts that come into your mind.”

7. “Accept that you can never be happy or sad permanently, and you will detach from both of it to achieve calmness.”

8. “Silence has the power to solve most problems in your life; you just have to embrace it.”

9. “Money and true happiness are not related to each other. One reduces with spending; while the other increases with sharing.”

10. “No matter how much materialistic things you possess; your soul will nourish only under calmness.”

11. “Your calmness has the power to give you freedom from all the miseries and faults of the mind.”

12. “Anger and frustration are the fruits of the insecurities of the mind; work on them, and you will find the real peace in life.”

13. “The whole problem arises when we try to control the mind and not understand it.”

14. “Calm people treat everybody with the same kindness because they don’t get carried away by anger, jealousy, and hatred that generates in mind.”

15. “Keep Calm. Because there is no other option to get through the daily grind of life.”

16. “We are condition to look for peace in future. But, it is right there, sleeping in your heart. Try to awaken it.”

Also, Read: 29 Personality Quotes to Achieve Greatness in Life

17. “Comparison with others is the root cause of most of the miseries in life. Trust yourself and harness the power of gratitude to find happiness in life.”

18. “Fool people consider calmness as weakness; while wise people use it as a strength to tackle people and problems.”

19. “Ego is like a wall between you and the calm realm of the soul. Try to overcome it, and you will always pass flawlessly through the rollercoaster of life.”

20. “While in youth; invest in calmness so that your old age can reap the benefits of it.”

21. “You can see the destination only in the calm sea, and not when the storm arises in it.”

22. “No matter how much money you spend; you can never buy a fit body and a calm mind.”

23. “Run behind fame and money, and you will never find peace and calmness in life.”

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24. “How can you get a calm day, when the calmness doesn’t exist inside you?”

25. “Accidents are prone to happen when you travel in bad weather; similarly, mistakes are bound to happen, when you make decisions in the storm of emotions.”

26. “Mediocre concentrate on noise around them; while wise appreciate the silence in it.”

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27. “Patience is the ability to understand the difference between the worst future scenarios of mind and actual reality.”

28. “Sometimes letting things go opens new doors of opportunity; just relax, and have the calmness to spot them.”

29. “Hating others is the ability to first destroy your peace of mind; and letting the thoughts about the person control your mind.”

30. “A calm river gives life to every living being around it; while a rampant river destroys everything around it.”

31. “One of the most underrated qualities of a person is to remain calm in glory and success.”

32. “Panicking is the art of watching worries through binocular.”

33. “Everybody has a state of stillness in mind, but very few acknowledge it and become free of distress in life.”

34. “Nothing is more rewarding than the journey that takes you inward.”

35. “Every tense moment in life is an opportunity to become a better person by choosing calmness over stress.”

36. “Leadership and calmness go hand in hand; nobody follows an insecure and stressed leader.”

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37. “For a calm person, his mind is his greatest friend.”

38. “Stop controlling every situation of your life; Otherwise, it exhausts your mind, and make things more complex. Calm your mind, and let the time do its job.”

39. “A calm person chooses compassion over hatred, thinks about others than only himself, and acts only to create and not to destruct.”

40. “Whether you run to find calmness in success or success in calmness, decides the peace in your life.”

Also watch: Top 10 Buddha Quotes to bring peace in life [Calming]

So which one of the calm quotes did you like the most? And how do you keep yourself calm in different situations? Do share your thoughts in the comment section.

Categories: Quotes