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27 Meditation Quotes to find SILENCE in Daily Grind

Meditation has the power to transform your life and help you become more aware of yourself. It’s one of the oldest boons to humanity which can annihilate stress and bring peace in life. Thus, we like to share with you 27 meditation quotes, which we have specially created and curated for our beloved readers to help them find silence in the daily hustle and bustle.

These quotes will highlight the magic of meditation, and it’s power against daily struggles, which sucks away the life energy from you:

1. “Meditation is like surfing through the sea of thoughts without getting drenched in them.”

2. “Meditation is not the act of suppressing the negative emotion, but it is a state of awareness behind every emotion that you feel.”

3. “You have to be a nobody to enjoy the nectar of meditation.”

4. “Meditation is the art of finding the silence of the present stolen by the stress in life.”

5.”Meditation is the process to overcome expectation and embrace acceptation to become free of frustration.”


6. “Concentrate on your breathing, and close your eyes to enjoy the beauty of present; which is always lost in the everlasting race of materialistic goals.”

7. “When you find yourself stuck in the storm of painful thoughts; just hold the anchor of conscious breathing to sail through it.”

8. “Meditation is the first and foremost step to overcome the sources of all the miseries of life.”

9. “Meditation takes you away from ‘I’ and brings you closer to ‘Us’.”

10. “Meditation is a beautiful journey from wavering thoughts of the mind to the peaceful field of soul.”

11. “There is never an absence of inner peace; it is just hidden under the pile of all anxiety and stress. Meditation is the way to find it.”

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12. “Meditate for half an hour every day, and you will understand that happiness and sadness are two sides of the same coin.”

13. “Choose Simplicity over Complexity. Mindfulness over deep thinking. Gratefulness over Whining. And you will see the real magic of living.”

14. “Through meditation, you silence the mind and let the soul take control of the moment.”

15. “If you are always in search of a perfect place to meditate; then, you are doing everything except meditation.”

16. “Meditation is the process of building the lost connection with the calm mentor that resides right inside you.”

17. “Stress happens when you choose the wavering thoughts over the subtle calm inner voice.”

18. “Meditate and Relax, as it will lead you to the acceptance of the fact that you can’t control every situation in life.”

19. “Peace lies in simplicity; that’s why simple-looking conscious breathing has the power to help you become more aware and mindful.”

20. “Materialistic pleasure fade in time; while the habit of meditation enriches with each passing moment.”

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21. “Meditation helps you to know the process of feeling turning into emotions so that you never make a decision under their control.”

22. “The stillness does to your mind what exercise does to the body.”

23. “Meditation lets the soul command the mind, which is controlling the chariot of senses.”

24. “Let the conscious towards your breathing, and you will taste the calmness that you are finding throughout your life.”

25. “Meditation is not only done in tough times; it’s also done in good times to teach you that everything is temporary in life.”

26. “A wavering mind hates meditation because it’s the best medicine to the minds mischiefs.”

27. “To become knowledgable read books; to become aware and calm, meditate.”

So let’s do a session of meditation. Also, vote below if you like the above quotes on meditation.

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