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How to Become a Successful Entrepreneur? 9 Tips to Know

Many people want to become a successful entrepreneur and work hard in building a profitable business model. But a person’s success depends on many things, and experience can only help in knowing them. Also, sometimes it is necessary to learn from seasoned entrepreneurs who know what it really takes to become successful. One such experienced person is Mr Amitabh Sinha, a serial entrepreneur; who started his journey in 1999 with the international chemical trading portal. The experience from the previous company helped him start a few more ventures. Currently, he is the Cofounder & Chief Strategy Officer He is an active mentor, facilitator, and evangelist for more than fifteen years now; who works in incubating and building early-stage startups.

In an interaction with GoodVitae, Mr Amitabh Sinha has shared nine important tips to become a successful entrepreneur.

1. Which habits do you think can make someone a successful entrepreneur?

“For me, there is just one trait, intense focus on customer experience, and a near obsession with delivering the best possible outcomes for customers, partners, associates, and other stakeholders. I network intensely without any transactional focus and I believe in giving help freely without expectation of immediate reward. I believe what goes around will come back around. These habits help in longer run.”

2. What do you think is more important money or definite life goal when long-term success is considered?

“For me, goals keep evolving, and money is a facilitator as well as one of the outcomes. The focus always remains to deliver unmatched value. The rest comes by itself.”

3. What important thing one must remember while starting something new like a venture or a new job?

“For me, it’s people and relationships. Focus on creating high-value relationships with the other person in focus. The more we focus on delivering for others, the more they will focus on creating positive outcomes for us.”

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4. Can you share an important financial tip which a person must follow to become a successful entrepreneur?

“Stay frugal. Ask questions about the validity of each spend. It does not matter whether we have a lot or little so long as we focus on maximising the output with whatever we spend. Money is a tool for achieving results and not the result by itself.”

5. As you’re an entrepreneur, you must be facing lots of obstacles. How do you handle them?

“If there are not facing challenges as an entrepreneur, then probably the results won’t be great either. Stay focused and at each reverse remind yourself of the goal you’ve set out to achieve. Let experience teach you and a daily basis and never, never, never give up.”

6. Do you believe in motivation and positive thinking?

“I believe motivation must come from creating high-value outcomes for other people and once we focus on how much we can give; the positive mindset will come by itself. Looking for a silver lining and leveraging that then becomes a habit.”

7. What is something that you have learned, which is not taught in any school or college?

“That the only thing standing between you and the achievement of your dream is usually you, your lack of agility, and motivation. Focus on creating and push yourself further each day. You have no idea what you’re capable of and where help will come from; if you stay true to creating value for others, good things will happen.”

8. With failures, an entrepreneur must know how to handle success. Can you tell something about it?

“For everything we achieve, there is always someone who has done more. Take inspiration from them and stay humble, stay willing to learn and never imagine you can’t grow from wherever you are.”

9. At last, can you share an important tip for a successful life?

“Agility in outlook and execution, humility in outlook, keep these with you and let everyone teach you something new.”

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Categories: Entrepreneurship