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17 Positive Thinking Quotes [Worry Killer]

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‘Positive thinking’, is gaining more and more importance in recent times, and everybody wants to know about it, or master the art of doing it. So, here are some ‘positive thinking quotes’ to help you mend your thought to build the habit of thinking positive in your everyday life.

Also, these quotes can annihilate the worry that constantly juices out the peace and energy from your life.

1. “I just want to tell people: don’t give me this thing, ‘I have a difficult time, and I don’t have time for this and that.’ Remember! You have time; you make the time.”

– Arnold Schwarzenegger

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2. “I’m Damocles with the sword; I really think it’s right up there by a hair, and every day it doesn’t happen, I’m just thrilled.”

– Meryl Streep

3. “Nothing ever good, no life will ever be saved by you responding to someone who is being negative to you.”

– James Altucher 

4. “In the process of working on your dreams, you are going to incur a lot of disappointment and failure, But in the process of doing that you will discover somethings about yourself that you don’t know right now.”

– Les Brown 

5th Quote on Positive Attitude

Image of 5th of The 17 Positive Thinking Quotes

5. “I have realized something. If God doesn’t change my circumstances; he is going to use my life to be a miracle for someone else. When you don’t get a miracle, you can still be a miracle for someone else.”

– Nick Vujicic

6. “Your hardest time often lead to the greatest moments of your life. Keep Going. Tough situation builds strong people in the end.”

– Roy T. Bennett 

7. “I’m never looking forward to anything to be offended by, and that whatever anybody else out has to say; my response to that is, ‘That’s an interesting point of view. I have never considered that before’.”

– Wayne Dyer 

Read: 28 Tough Times Quotes

8. “I’m not going to rest; I’m going to keep on pushing. There are a lot of answers that I don’t have; and even questions that I don’t have. But, I am just going to keep going, and I will figure these things out.”

– Kobe Bryant 

9. “Great winners have a core belief (every single day) that they are meant to be successful. ”

– Robyn Benicasa

10th Positive Thinking Quote on the thrive to overpower

Image of 10th of 17 Quotes on Positive Thinking

10. “Lot of people are going to say, ‘I don’t choose to be in my current situation.’. True, none of us did. But you can’t change it until you own it, and take personal responsibility for it.”

– Chris Gardner 

11. “If you want to create real success, it is imperative to believe that you are at the steering wheel of your life. You have to believe that you are the one creating your success.”

– T Harv Eker

12. “It’s attention to that positive alternative over the attention to the repeated negative thoughts, which gives us the personal power.”

– Brendon Burchard

13. “I haven’t seen yet how the negative side of things can help me become the man that I strive to become.”

– Inky Johnson 

14. “You don’t need money, you don’t need stuff; the one thing that you need to do to go next level is the change the way you think.”

– Eric Thomas 

15. “Whatever it is that you are struggling with it being difficult for you. I want you to think, ‘What is positive about it?'”

– Darren Hardy 

16. “When I am thinking, “oh! I don’t know, or am I gonna able to pull this off”. I think to myself; you know what, it’s for other people to think whether I am good enough; now, it’s my job to worry about whether I am doing my best.”

– Gretchen Rubin 

Read: 29 Personality Quotes

17th Positive Quote on Survive and Thrive

Image of 17th Positive Thinking Quote

17. “The obstacles and challenges in our life can only do two things: 1. Stop us dead in our tracks 2. Force us to get creative.”

– Amy Purdy

How do you stay positive? What is your trick? We would be glad to know about it. Do share it below.


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