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Short Quotes That You Must Read [101 Quotes]

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Communication has the power to change a person’s perspective and help him become the best version of himself. But, sometimes, you don’t need long talks or sentences to make an impact; a short sentence or quote can reach deep into the heart, and inspire the person to work wonders. Thus, we like to share 101 short quotes that you must read.

Short Quotes on Tough Times

If you ever face tough times in your life, you must keep faith in yourself and keep pushing. Here are some short quotes to feed the right thoughts to your mind and make you face the situation fearlessly.

1. You fail only when you give up.

2. Time is not pulling you down; it’s testing your worthiness to achieve greatness.

3. ‘I can’ or ‘I can’t’ defines the outcome in every situation.

4. Heal the wounds and work again; success is achieved only then.

5. A smile can’t change the condition but can give you the strength to face one.

6. When you fail and get hurt; you understand the true value of healing.

7. A problem can either shine or shame you. It’s all about your response.

8. Peace of mind is a perspective and not an outcome of good or bad times.

9. Good times will tell you about flatterer, but bad times reveals true believers.

10th short quote image, "Radium glows in the dark and real character shines in tough times."

10. Radium glows in the dark and real character shines in tough times.

11. True strength lies in giving one more try when everyone thinks about you giving up.

12. Tough times are a chisel shaping the stone of your life.

13. Sometimes do give up, but don’t give up on yourself.

14. Tough times are temporary, but your will is permanent.

15. Situations are not limitless, but your intentions to face them can be.

16. Greatest mistake in your life is to not commit a mistake.

17. Help others in tough times; this gesture lasts longer than a gift in good times.

18. Complacency is even worst than the insecurity of the new path.

19. The rough phase is like an antidote to the ills of the character.

20th quote in image, "In tough times, fear is a great slave, but the worst master."20. In tough times, fear is a great slave, but the worst master.

Success Quotes (Short)

Everybody wants success in life, and feel the greatness of achieving the milestone. Thus, here some quotes on success to know its true meaning, and ways to achieve it.

21. Resilence wins over brilliance in the test of success.

22. Shortcuts cut shorts your time of achievement and success.

23. Grind is the key to the safe of success. There is no alternative.

24. Path travelled less has bushes to counter, but that’s where new things are found.

25. True love happens, when you find success in losing.

26. Success whispers the valuable lessons in the noise of fame and achievement.

27. We can’t value success; if we don’t know the pain of defeat.

28. When you feel that you cannot improve; you forget the path to success.

29. The arrow of life purpose breaches every obstacle that comes in front of it.

30th short quote in the image, "Success is not about taking revenge; it's about making lives better."

30. Success is not about taking revenge; it’s about making lives better.

31. Success is the fruit of the moments in which you choose gut in the noise of naysayers.

32. Achieving unison of mind and soul is all you require to achieve big things.

33. It’s not about big numbers, it’s all about the number of friends and close ones.

34. Luck and Hardwork are friends who always work together.

35. Purpose lasts longer than possession.

36. Opportunity comes in flash; don’t lose it thinking about the difficulty that comes with it.

37. Success is not about money; it’s about the level of satisfaction.

38. A dream is just a blueprint; goals are the instruments to turn it real.

39. Dream is the bow, but persistence is the arrow to target the goal.

40th quote in the image, "Success is like filling a bucket with uncountable drops of efforts."40. Success is like filling a bucket with uncountable drops of efforts.

Small Happiness Quotes

Happiness is one of the prime objectives of life, yet many fail to know the true meaning of it. Here are some short quotes that help in knowing the path to achieving happiness in life.

41. Peace loves to live in the house of simplicity and kindness.

42. The journey from mind to the soul is longer than a world tour.

43. Learning is a pill that keeps you sane throughout your life and old age.

44. The hardest thing is to make things simple in life.

45. Kindness can tackle almost all situations without scars.

46. Happiness is always missed by those who find it in future.

47. Gratitude is like a microscope that shows you the happiness that you can’t see.

48. Happiness is not to conserve; it multiplies when shared.

49. Family is like a flower that spreads happiness in the garden of our life.

50th short quote in the image, "True happiness lies in drinking hot chocolate after a long day at work."50. True happiness lies in drinking hot chocolate after a long day at work.

51. Happiness is a condition, not a criterion.

52. External happiness comes only when you have internal happiness.

53. Happiness is not only about accepting; it’s also about letting things go.

54. Life is too short to take it seriously every time.

55. Money can’t bring happiness, but it gives comfort in bad times.

56. You lose joy when you lose the child within you.

57. Work hard, but don’t forget to laugh with loved ones.

58. Reunion is like a bottle of wine; the old the better.

59. Even in the pile of worries; happiness can flower.

60th short quote in the image, "In old age, happiness lies in memory, not in the amount of money."60. In old age, happiness lies in memory, not in the amount of money.

Quotes on Friendship (Small)

Friendship is one of the special bonds that doesn’t depend upon your birth, but your own decision. A true friend is no less than a boon, and we must cherish the beautiful bond, as it makes our life beautiful. The following quotes on friendship are dedicated to that amazing bond.

61. A true friend is like an oasis in the middle of the desert of sadness.

62. Your social supremacy lasts only till you meet your childhood friend.

63. You are very lucky if you have a shoulder to cry on.

64. There certain people in life; whose memories just make you smile every time.

65. In tough times, you will only see family and true friend when you look around.

66. Life journey is a roller coaster, but good friends make the downs enjoyable.

67. It starts with sharing a toy and transforms into sharing joy and grief.

68. Want to have a true friend in life; first, become one for someone.

69. Sometimes relatives give up, but a friend doesn’t.

70th short quote, "Friendship is not a race, but a shared adventure."70. Friendship is not a race, but a shared adventure.

71. Real friendship is incomplete without insulting each other.

72.  You might be wealthy, but there should be someone to fight over the lunch bill.

73. Find someone who fights with you over pizza, but goes against the world for you.

74. Friendship is all about making the first call, whether it’s good or bad news.

75. Every friendship is not complete without keeping secrets.

76. You are not in real friendship; if you can’t disagree, yet respect each other.

77. Friendship loses purity when you try to find a gain in it.

78. Time changes but friends shouldn’t.

79. Sometimes, great friends are made in huge chaos.

80th quote in the image, "You are a true friend if someone looks for you in the greatest trouble."80. You are a true friend if someone looks for you in the greatest trouble.

Short Quotes on Confidence 

Confidence is one the strongest weapons to achieve everything you want in life. But what is confidence? Well, here some quotes to define the true meaning of confidence.

81. Confidence is not aggressive; it’s calm-assertive.

82. Confidence is finding comfort and talking your thoughts in every situation.

83. You start losing confidence; when you find everybody perfect except yourself.

84. Confidence is all about seeing opportunities over obstacles.

85. Confidence is the most precious jewellery that a woman can have.

86. In every situation, you have the choice to be a deer or a tiger.

87. Your confidence is fake and volatile if it’s not backed by hard work and preparation.

88. Act is a fertilizer to the plant of confidence.

89. Accepting your flaws is the first step to the calmness that you desire.

90th short quote in the image, "Confidence is like sugar. Too much, and you might become sick."90. Confidence is like sugar. Too much, and you might become sick.

91. True test of self-belief is not in success but failure.

92. Self-doubt is like a parasite that sucks out the life from the tree of talent.

93. Confidence is when you choose ‘How can I?’ over ‘I can’t’.

94. The final phase of a tough journey is more about the brain than the body.

95. Confidence is winning in presence of fear.

96. As a rookie, act and think like a professional and in no time you become one.

97. Confidence is a showpiece tool without a hand intending to do hard work.

98. Right Attitude, Right Confidence, Right Intentions. The three key ingredients to success.

99. Competition with others brings torment, while self-introspection brings confidence.

100. Your heart has the right answers over the doubts of the external world. Follow it.

At last, remember this quote for every situation that you face in life.

101th short quote in the image, "This shall too pass..."101. This shall too pass…

So, hope that the above mentioned 101 short quotes will help to make your life better. Also, do share your feedback below to help us inspire you more.



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